In just three hours, change your game for a lifetime.
The biggest difference between Tour players and amateurs isn’t what you may think. Sure, they possess talent and skill, but that’s not the secret to their success. It’s effective practice. Golf doesn’t respond to effort like other things in life. Hours spent practicing the wrong things will only lead you farther to confusion, frustration, and lack of improvement.
The Birdie Blueprint is a complete three-hour game breakdown addressing every aspect of your body and your game. We’re dialing in your body, your swing, and your putting stroke so that you’ll play better tomorrow, next month, and for years to come. Good things do come to those who wait, but who wants to wait to play better golf?
Fitness and Movement Assessment
You’ve seen it out on tour… increased athleticism is here to stay and leaner, stronger, and fitter players are dominating. Gone are the days when "working out” was believed to be detrimental to your swing. Quite simply, if you’re going to take the game seriously, you need to take your body seriously first.
Our team of fitness coaches includes a Golf Digest recognized Top 50 Fitness Instructor and we’ve been working with PGA Tour players for almost 10 years. This portion of your blueprint will unlock your potential by outlining which areas are holding you back. A lack of movement in the right area, or adequate strength in another could make the swing change you’ve been working on impossible and your efforts wasted. You’ll get laser-focused fitness and lifestyle recommendations along with our supportive coaching and expert instruction that will have you feeling better before you even walk out our doors.
Complete physical assessment covering mobility, strength and power, and injury prevention.
InBody body composition analysis and lifestyle recommendations
A plan to integrate our program into your current workout or fitness routine
Trackman Swing and Game Analysis
Having a good-looking swing is great, but we have a much more practical view. Does your swing produce what you want it to produce? Prepare to learn more about the REAL keys to effective and powerful ball-striking as we breakdown your swing. Beyond that, you’ll take the Trackman Combine, identifying your ability to dial in distance and accuracy with almost every club in your bag.
Trackman 4 and video swing evaluation - we’ll give you your keys to a more repeatable, more powerful swing
Trackman Combine - every wonder why you struggle at certain distances, or with certain clubs in your hand? This test will reveal the answers, and give you specific ways to play to your strengths while improving your weaknesses.
Combined with your fitness evaluation, you’ll have a complete picture of how to optimize your swing for your body and goals.
Rol L lab Putting Analysis
40 percent of your shots on the golf course is putting. Yet very few amateurs spend much time on the practice green. Even worse, if they do practice, they’re probably only ingraining bad habits. Quintic ball roll analysis and our complete Rolllab evaluation will be the biggest breakthrough you’ve ever had with the flat-stick. A focus on aim and putter face control will take the guesswork out of your critical short to mid-range putts (the ones the pro’s MAKE). In the end, you’ll have the perfect outline for developing a repeatable, reliable putting stroke that’s uniquely yours.
Detailed Quintic report on your current and optimal putting numbers - you’ll see how you control the face, length of stroke, and path of the putter.
The best grip and setup for your body and putting style
Putter style and fitting recommendations
Laser-aided aim evaluation. You’ll know how to start the putt where you want to, EVERY TIME.
30 Day Birdie Blueprint
After your session, we’ll combine all the information into an easy practical plan for your improvement. Follow along daily on our training app, and come back in for a follow-up testing session to measure your improvement! For the truly committed, we’re offering a special deal on training at our facility, so you’ll have the benefit of hands-on instruction throughout your 30-days.
While you’re going to be amazed with what you learn, the biggest benefit will be giving you a practice plan that will actually get you better!
A customized plan delivered via our app with drills and exercises addressing everything we tested. You’ll know exactly when, why, and how to practice, train, and prepare for your best golf ever.
Follow-up and feedback from our world-class coaching team.
Guaranteed MASSIVE improvement in 30 days, or your blueprint is on us
Have questions or want more information before you sign up? email or call us at 561-249-0529 and we’ll be happy to fill you in!